Kommentierte Zitatsammlung: Durchkreuzendes Begehren, Miteinandersein, Lieben, Berühren
»Gefangen im männlichen Körper« – Beziehung und Sexualität als Fortsatz der Geschlechterrollen
Jeder GuyDyke ist genderqueer, aber nicht jeder genderqueere Mensch mit gelesenen männlichem Körper ist ein GuyDyke.
— Stine. Was ist ein/e GuyDyke?. Queerulant_in (2014) 6 (2.3)
The perception of sexuality by others is an extension of others’ perceptions of one’s gender.
— Wikipedia:
Queere Beziehungen – Queere Liebe – Queerer Sex: Fluchtlinien aus fehlenden queeren Kategorien
Es scheint idiotisch zu sein, so evidente Sachen wiederholen zu müssen, und trotzdem müssen unaufhörlich diese irreführenden Generalisierungen denunziert werden: es gibt keine universelle Struktur des menschlichen Geistes oder der Libido!
— Deleuze, Guattari. Anti-Ödipus
However, I remain stuck in a modernist closet. My mind crawls uneasily with the question, how can a male really be a lesbian? Is there any way to reconcile my resistance with postmodernism and its marvelous insights into the constructedness of the body and the playful potentials of the flesh? Has the body all but disappeared in the wash of multivalences and multivocalities? One of the consequences of this traveling flesh as it bends in and out of categories is that there may be no such thing as lesbians. If men can become lesbians, if women who sleep with men can still be lesbians, if anybody can visit lesbian positionality or transsex it with anybody else, then what would such a category really name? Postmodernism not only makes the “male lesbian” possible; it may in addition make lesbianism, at least as we have known it, impossible.
— Jacquelyn N. Zita. Male Lesbians and the Postmodernist Body. Hypatia, 7.4 Lesbian Philosophy (1992): S. 106–127
Queer lovers reject the tyranny of the orgasm and expand to the entire body eroticism without being stuck in the genitals, enhancing the sensitivity of all parties, discovering new ways of sex beyond the genital pleasure.
— Coral Herrera Gómez. Love Queer Manifesto: https://haikita.blogspot.com/2011/07/love-queer-manifesto.html
Most men who like this kind of erotica don’t want to save the lesbians, they want to be the lesbians. Lesbian lovemaking is soft and slipery and it never, ever ends. There’s no hard-on to worry about, and one orgasm leads to the next, sometimes fast and furious, sometimes gentle as a breath.
— Susie Bright. Susie Bright’s Sexual Reality: A Virtual SexWorld Reader. Cleis Press Inc. (1992)
A magazine ought make possible a homosexual culture, that is to say, the instruments for polymorphic, varied, and individually modulated relationships. But the idea of a program of proposals is dangerous. As soon as a program is presented, it becomes a law, and there’s a prohibition against inventing. […] The program must be wide open. […] We must think that what exists is far from filling all possible spaces. To make a truly unavoidable challenge of the question: What can be played
— Faucault
Sich mit Lesben identifizieren – Fehlstellen in queeren Ausdrucksformen
Girlfags and guydykes are not transgender, however, as they identify with homosexual people of another sex, not as one of them.
— Girlfag and Guydyke. Deleted article on Wikipedia.org (2013)
Typen-Lesben die keine Typen mögen: Gewählte Unsichtbarkeit und politische Dimensionen von lesbischen Identitäten
In the lesbian fantasy world, dykes are Amazons. They don’t need men and they don’t have time for any bullshit. They are digusted with the male gender—and why shouldn’t they be? Lesbians are superior. Most men are disgusted with other men, too, so this isn’t such an awful idea to them. Every time I get a letter from a man who lauds lesbian superiority, I can guess how competitive he is with his fellow men.
— Susie Bright. Susie Bright’s Sexual Reality: A Virtual SexWorld Reader. Cleis Press Inc. (1992)
Dyke daddies don’t know each other. Despite my call for a convention, CR group, or a night out on the town, their whole rasion d’être depends on not identifying with similar men. Very butch of them
The “male lesbian” seems to be an oxymoron. Yet I have met more than a few. Other lesbians report similar encounters.
— Jacquelyn N. Zita. Male Lesbians and the Postmodernist Body. Hypatia, 7.4 Lesbian Philosophy (1992): S. 106–127
Sometimes I think that the world would be a better place if everyone could somehow be a girl [. . . ] There wouldn’t be anymore war or bullying or cruelty. And there would be no more danger of a nuclear holocaust, and no more crime. The world would be a much safer place to live. And you could still make love. Everyone would be a lesbian, so there would still be a lot of sex. And the sex would be a lot better because there wouldn’t be anymore violence and cruelty and rape.
— Brian G. Gilmartin. Shyness & Love: Causes, Consequences, and Treatment. University Press of America (1987)
— Male-Assigned Person
It is clear that a “male lesbian” best thrives in “her” charmed circle of postmodernist lesbian friends.
— Jacquelyn N. Zita. Male Lesbians and the Postmodernist Body. Hypatia, 7.4 Lesbian Philosophy (1992): S. 106–127
Verbreiteter Ansatz zur Kategorisierung einiger Identitätsbereiche. Die Fluchtlinien im der Kategorie Gender sind vielfältiger als in anderen Kategorien. Polyamorie und Beziehungsanarchismus finden keinen Platz da sie als Multiplikation vorhandener Kategorien gedacht werden. Guydyke-Identitäten existieren nicht, da sie sich auf Performativität in der Interaktion beziehen; die Fluchtlinien aus der Binarität des »was bin ich?« und »was begehre ich?« widersprechen der Form und sind somit nicht
darstellbar. Es fehlt die Beziehungsperformanz.
Eine Karte als Anti-Modell zur Verschiebung oder Auflösung von Identitätskategorien
Susie Bright. Susie Bright’s Sexual Reality: A Virtual SexWorld Reader. Cleis Press Inc. (1992)
Carolin I. Was sind GirlFags und GuyDykes? Queerulant_in (2014) 6 (2.3)
Brian G. Gilmartin. Shyness & Love: Causes, Consequences, and Treatment. University Press of America (1987)
Clare T. Rampling. GirlFags FAQ. Girlfags.com (2001)
Janet W. Hardy. The Wonderful and Confusing World of Girlfags and Guydykes. Fairobserver.com (2015)
Luce Irigaray. This Sex which is Not One. Cornell University Press (Original 1977, englische Übersetzung 1985)
The Genderbread Person v3. Itspronouncedmetrosexual.com (2015)
Eddie Izzard: The tough transvestite who can take care of himself. The Independent (2004)
Clare T. Rampling. Queerbychoice.com (2001)
Naomi Schor. Male Lesbianism. GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies (2001) 7.3: S. 391–399
Stine. Was ist ein/e GuyDyke?. Queerulant_in (2014) 6 (2.3)
Girlfag and Guydyke. Deleted article on Wikipedia.org (2013)
Jacquelyn N. Zita. Male Lesbians and the Postmodernist Body. Hypatia, 7.4 Lesbian Philosophy (1992): S. 106–127
Dominique Mosbergen. The Asexual Spectrum: Identities In The Ace Community (INFOGRAPHIC) huffingtonpost.com (2013)
Coral Herrera Gómez. Love Queer Manifesto: haikita.blogspot.com